Continuous Connection
Communication between teachers and the Centre for Learning is continuous and thorough. If a student is struggling, teachers may share observations that prompt the Centre to gather input from other teachers and conduct relevant assessments. Early conversations with parents and caregivers are a priority. The Centre for Learning maintains strong connections with support networks in the broader health and education community.
We take pride in our unique learning support system. With smaller class sizes and a strong tutor and pastoral support network, we identify students who may experience difficulty engaging with their studies as early as possible. The Centre for Learning also oversees students identified as gifted and talented. Students can be referred to the Centre for Learning through various pathways, including:
- Student self-referral
- Parent referral
- Teacher referral
- Information from prior schools
- Assessment results
- Outside agency referral (for example RTLB, ICAMHS)
We work to provide appropriate support, tailored to individual requirements, to ensure they may obtain the best possible experience from our robust academic programme.
that will challenge and support our learners. Our response to each
learner will be unique to their learning needs.
Types of Support
We provide a range of support mechanisms for students requiring personalised support:
Residential Tutors are employed to provide support for students in targeted classroom settings or even to work with students on their homework within the Houses where there is a high need.
Tuition is provided by learning support staff, where targeted programmes are designed to develop a student’s learning strengths. We believe strongly in a strength-based approach to learning and teaching.
The Centre for Learning is a student drop-in centre where advice, resources or simply a place for taking time-out is provided. Students are encouraged to self-refer and seek support when they feel they need it.
Literacy and numeracy support is provided in Year 9 or 10 for students who have been identified as having high needs, generally in groups of four to six students. However, support is also provided to the classroom teachers, for programme differentiation, and to tutors if required. The focus is on developing literacy and numeracy skills in context, to prepare readiness for NCEA.
For students who have entered formal assessment classes (Year 11, 12 and 13), alternative subject and course choices have been provided, including a Gateway programme as well as correspondence courses. Some students benefit from a reduced programme, using a Study Skills line to work with our Centre for Learning team in developing a study and revision plan, as well as support for completing class work.
Students in the senior school will use a more student-driven approach in developing ILPs (Individual Learning Plan) alongside a Learning Journal, which records lesson goals and steps taken to achieve them. The Centre for Learning will individualise learning for students in liaison with students, their families and staff.