Now is the Time
The support of community will ensure the School thrives for generations to come.
The advancement of Whanganui Collegiate School has always relied on the generosity of those who:
- Are thankful for the past
- Take personal responsibility for ensuring the School remains as influential for those who follow, as it was for them.
Believing that such generosity is conditional upon a bold vision – and strong in the belief that the special character of Whanganui Collegiate School is as relevant today as ever before – we push forward with a programme of renewal and expansion.
Our School heart is strong, ‘we are hopeful for the future’ of the School we have and we need your support. We invite you to consider how important the future success of Whanganui Collegiate School is to you and to consider supporting our current projects.
The support of community will ensure the
school thrives for generations to come.
Donations are gratefully received electronically or by post.
To make a donation and payment electronically please fill out our Digital Donor Form.
Payment Details:Bank Direct to WCS Foundation 02-0792-0105264-01
Particulars: Name
Reference: Donation
Physical Post
To make a donation by post please print out our Donor Form.
Contact: Gillian
06 349 0210 ext 804